Company succession in the region of Ulm

Since the last two decades, the issue of company succession is discussed publicly and is even intensified due to the ongoing demographic change in Germany. At the same time, a rise of concern within the affected companies is observable. Not least, the subject is also a challenge for regional economic development, as many middle-sized family businesses are strongly tied to their region, making the issue of succession a crucial task for policy makers at the local and regional levels.

Against this background, the aim of this study was to address the issue of company succession with a particular regional focus and to identify specific chances and challenges within the region. The study is based on both quantitative analyses as well as guided interviews with regional experts. Thereby, specific challenges can be identified to develop future strategies.


Commissioned by:

Contact Person:
Dr. Andreas Koch ( +49 7071 9896 12 // E-Mail )


2015 - 2016