IAW-Housing Monitor Baden-Württemberg

Since 1992 the "IAW-Wohnungsmonitor" is used as a tool that allows a continuous observation of the housing market in Baden-Württemberg.

Because housing markets in Baden-Württemberg and nationwide develop more rapidly and differently, the public administration, politicians as well as the housing industry and the financing institutes should be able to react more flexible and differentiated to these changes. Such decisions cannot be made according to "a gut"(instinct), but require comprehensive and up-to-date information. The tool of continuous observation can cover this need and therefore gains always more acceptance.

Such tracking methods are based on regular indicators of the housing market whose changes are captured and evaluated annually. Relevant (up-to-date) developments are examined on the basis of long time series. For this reason long-term trends – that will determine the housing markets in the future – can be identified.

Starting from 2004 the L-Bank-IAW-Wohnungsmonitor has been published annually instead of quarterly.

The magazine is for free and can be requested either at the IAW or the L-Bank. Contents are also available at iaw-wohnungsmonitor.

Commissioned by:

  • Commissioned by: L-Bank Förderbank Baden-Württemberg

Project team:

Contact Person:
Rolf Kleimann ( +49 7071 9896 26 // E-Mail )


2008 - 2008