Fourth Bavarian Social Report

The aims of the fourth Bavarian Social Report is to trace the development of the living conditions in Bavaria since the publication of the last report in 2012 and to uncover potential problems. Hereby, the consideration of the social situation of the disadvantaged group of persons in Bavaria is based on conditions of life approach. Thereby, income and wealth have not been the only indicators considered; instead other dimensions such as education, health, housing situation, social integration and participation have supplemented the analysis.

The fourth Bavarian Social Report is divided in ten parts. The IAW and have been responsible for two lots:

  • the analysis of the development of income and wealth (lot 2: “social situation in Bavaria – population and economic framework data“)
  • the analysis of the Bavarian labor market (lot 5: “employment and unemployment”).

Beside a descriptive analysis of the living conditions and problem areas in Bavaria multivariate analyses have been carried out for selected issues, too.

The analysis of the different steps used data from the Income and Consumption Survey (Einkommens- und Verbrauchsstichprobe – EVS), The Sample of Integrated Labor Market Biographies (SIAB) and the German microcensus (MZ).

Commissioned by:

Bavarian State Ministry of Employment and Social Order, Family and Integration,

Project team:

Rolf Kleimann (Project leader Lot 2)

Dr. Jochen Späth ((Project leader Lot 5)

Prof. Dr. Bernhard Boockmann

Dr. Sebastian Nielen

Contact Person:
Dr. Jochen Späth ( +49 7071 9896 14 // E-Mail )


2015 - 2017