Monitoring and evaluation of the Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived (FEAD) in Germany during the operating period 2014 to 2020

The aim of the FEAD is to promote social cohesion, social inclusion and to reduce the number of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion. The fund seeks to alleviate the forms of extreme poverty that are contributing most to social exclusion, such as homelessness and child poverty, exclusion from the minimum allowance and lack of food and clothing. In Germany, FEAD funding is focused on disadvantaged EU immigrants and their children, as well as on homeless people. The FEAD is meant to provide a bridge for the target to the regular support systems.

The evaluation of the FEAD has four key objectives:

  • It accompanies the implementation of the EHAP in Germany and supports the managing authority to control the interventions by providing timely feedback on the material and financial progress.
  • It analyzes and assesses the achievement of the objectives and the effects of the program.
  • It analyzes and evaluates the implementation of the cross-sectional objectives as well as the concept and implementation of anti-discrimination workshops.
  • It determines the cost-benefit ratio of the intervention.

Both the novel character of the FEAD in Germany as well as the specific problem and initial situation of the selected target groups require an approach that meets the specific challenges of the program To this end, qualitative and quantitative evaluation methods are combined. Furthermore, a interculturally competent approach of evaluation is crucial.

Final Report (in German)