Scientific monitoring and evaluation of the project “Women in the crafts sector”

Given the stagnant quota of women in the commercial-technical crafts sector, the BWHM GmbH (Consulting and business promotion agency for the crafts sector and medium-sized enterprises) carries out an information and awareness campaign, in order to promote the attractivity of crafts businesses as family-friendly employers.

First, crafts businesses receive counselling on methods of family-conscious management, as well as diversity management. Second, the project addresses young girls and women, who in the course of vocational guidance shall receive in-depth insights into the crafts sector. The creation of networking opportunities for women in the crafts sector aims to strengthen the occupational identity and the retainment of female employees in crafts businesses. Furthermore, modules addressing family-conscious personnel policies will be developed for upgrading training. The project started in October 2018 and is planned to conclude in December 2019. In the first project phase until spring 2019 concepts shall be developed, which will then be implemented in the second project phase in pilot regions.

The IAW conducts the scientific monitoring and evaluation of the second project phase. The evaluation is designed to be both formative and summative and combines both qualitative and quantitative methods. Guided interviews and standardized surveys will be used in order to assess the implementation and attainment of the project’s objectives.

Commissioned by:

BWHM GmbH – Beratungs- und Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft für Handwerk und Mittelstand

Project team:

  • Andrea Kirchmann (Project Leader)
  • Christin Schafstädt
  • Anastasia Maier M.A.

Contact Person:
Andrea Kirchmann ( +49 7071 9896 33 // E-Mail )


2019 - 2020