
IAW-News: IAW News is published four times per year and provide timely and concise information about research results, events and seminars as well as Personnel and important dates of the Institute.

IAW Discussion Papers: In the discussion papers the employees and partners of the IAW present their latest research that is intended for publication in scientific journals.

IAW-Brief Reports: They give topical information about current research results of the IAW. Emphasis is placed on the examination of the IAB establishment panel and on questions concerning Baden-Wuerttemberg.

IAW-Research Reports: In the research reports are made , the results of projects in the form of monographs to a wider audience .

IAW Policy Reports: In this new series, the results of IAW projects be made available with the focus on policy advice to the public .

IAW-Special Publications: Publications in larger intervals appear as the IAW flat monitor, report structure and the Stuttgart Region IAW reporting on the evaluation of experimental clause pursuant to § 6c SGB II

External Publications: The IAW scientists regularly publish in respected journals with peer review . In addition, they provide contributions to anthologies or magazines that are aimed at a wider audience.