Planning participation together

The cross-agency participation plan procedure in accordance with Section 19 SGB IX is an important instrument for the rehabilitation and participation of people with disabilities and is a core element of the reformed Social Code IX, Part 1, which was fundamentally revised with the Federal Participation Act (Bundesteilhabegesetz). The participation plan bundles individual needs and coordinates appropriate services (from various providers).

The annual participation procedure report shows that the instrument of cross-agency participation planning is rarely used overall and is also used differently by the agencies. Against this background, the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs commissioned the IAW to conduct a scientific study to investigate the reasons for the infrequent use of cross-agency participation planning procedures. The study design provides for the use of qualitative methods, i.e. expert interviews are combined with focus groups.

In cooperation with:

IZA - Institute of Labor Economics

Commissioned by:

Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs

Project team:

Contact Person:
Andrea Kirchmann ( +49 7071 9896 33 // E-Mail )

