IAW Events and Seminars

March 24, 2015: IAW-Jahresversammlung at the Deutsche Bundesbank in Stuttgart

Annual assembly of the IAW
Award ceremony of the Norbert-Kloten-Prize for Applied Economic Research 2015

Leopold M. Schiele M.Sc.: „Regional Values and Firms‘ Tax Payments“

TTIP: Chances and Risks for Germany - Prof. Gabriel Felbermayr PhD (Cesifo-Institute, Munich)
Panel Discussion

December 15, 2014: IAW Seminar at 3 p.m.

Labour market effects of retraining for the unemployed. The role of occupations.

Dr Julia Lang [IAB Nuremberg]

July 9, 2014: IAW Seminar at 2 p.m.

Do exporting firms benefit from multinational retail networks? Evidence from France.

Charlotte Emlinger [CEPII, Paris] and Karine Latouche [INRA, Nantes]

June 30, 2014: Bundesbank-IAW Lecture on European Economic Integration

Is the Eurocrisis over?

Professor Paul de Grauwe [London School of Economics]

The Bundesbank-IAW Lecture on European Economic Integration invites leading experts in
economics to present their research results on the future direction of the European economy.

The Bundesbank-IAW Lecture on European Economic Integration is organised in cooperation with the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences of the University of Tübingen.

The lecture by Professor de Grauwe was based on a recent paper that is forthcoming in 'The Manchester School'. The paper is available for download here.

June 23-24, 2014: T H E Doctoral Course on Mechanism Design at the University of Hohenheim:

The Tübingen-Hohenheim-Economics (THE) Association invites doctoral students and post-docs for a two-day training in the theory of Mechanism Design at the University of Hohenheim. The course is hosted by the Centre for Research on Innovation and Services (FZID) at the Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences of the University of Hohenheim.

Thomas Gresik is Professor of Economics at the University of Notre Dame, United States. He has published in journals like Games and Economic Behavior, International Economic Review, and Journal of Economic Theory and serves as a co-editor for the Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization.