March 10, 2023: "10th Social Science PhD Workshop Rhine-Ruhr" in Duisburg.
Policy outcomes as a basis for policy learning? Implications of evaluation research on policy reform processes using the example of the general statutory minimum wage.
Baden-Württemberg labor market: demand for skilled workers remains high.
The shortage of skilled workers is an increasing problem for companies in Baden-Württemberg. The long-term trend clearly points in this direction. Against this backdrop, a recent IAW study commissioned by the Baden-Württemberg Regional Directorate of the German Federal Employment Agency addresses the question of the extent to which company strategies can counteract the shortage of skilled workers. The results show, on the one hand, that companies in sectors with a shortage of skilled workers systematically apply certain strategies more frequently than other companies: For example, further training is more likely to be offered by companies that are more affected by the shortage of skilled workers. On the other hand, reorganizations are geared to the availability of skilled workers. For example, they do not increase in-house production if no skilled workers are available. And companies with a higher proportion of vacancies invest more frequently in digitization.
Gesetzlicher Mindestlohn: 2022 dürfte der Rückstand gegenüber der Tariflohnentwicklung aufgeholt sein.
IAB-Forum, 15.02.2021, o. Sz.,
Arbeitsmarktintegration Geflüchteter aus Sicht von Geflüchteten und Jobcentern
Z'Flucht - Zeitschrift für Flucht und Flüchtlingsforschung, 4. Jg., 2/2020, S. 181-212.