IAW Events and Seminars

May 18, 2016: IAW Seminar

Regional Input-Output-Tables

Prof. Dr. Tobias Kroneneberg [University of Applied Sciences, Bochum]

November 26-27, 2015: T H E Christmas Workshop 2015 at the University of Hohenheim

CALL FOR PAPERS: Abstracts or papers until November 2nd, 2015

Winter School: "Microsimulation and Labor Supply”.
Prof. Dr. Andreas Peichl [ZEW & University of Mannheim]

June 2, 2015: Bundesbank-IAW Lecture on European Economic Integration

Lecture series, jointly organized by the IAW and the BW-Office of the Deutsche Bundesbank; held annually at the University of Tübingen.

Professor Harold James [Princeton University]: What Monetary Union Means for Europe

March 24, 2015: IAW-Jahresversammlung at the Deutsche Bundesbank in Stuttgart

Annual assembly of the IAW
Award ceremony of the Norbert-Kloten-Prize for Applied Economic Research 2015

Leopold M. Schiele M.Sc.: „Regional Values and Firms‘ Tax Payments“

TTIP: Chances and Risks for Germany - Prof. Gabriel Felbermayr PhD (Cesifo-Institute, Munich)
Panel Discussion

December 15, 2014: IAW Seminar at 3 p.m.

Labour market effects of retraining for the unemployed. The role of occupations.

Dr Julia Lang [IAB Nuremberg]