

Press release December 21, 2022

Growth comes to a standstill (in German).

In the fourth quarter of 2022, Baden-Württemberg's gross domestic product (GDP) declined by 0.2 percent compared to the previous quarter after price and seasonal adjustments, according to the current nowcast by the IAW and the University of Hohenheim. Slight economic growth of 0.3 percent is again forecast for the first quarter of 2023. Thus, the predicted economic situation worsens compared to the previous nowcast from September 2022.

Press release September 21, 2022

On the brink of recession (in German).

According to the current nowcast of the IAW and the University of Hohenheim, Baden-Württemberg's gross domestic product (GDP) stagnated in the third quarter of 2022 compared to the second quarter. Slightly positive growth is forecast for the subsequent quarters (see appendix). Thus, the Baden-Württemberg economy does not yet appear to be entering recession in 2022. However, this result is on a knife edge in view of great uncertainties.


Jan Simon Wiemann Auswertung des IAB-Betriebspanels Baden-Württemberg, IAW-Kurzbericht 2/2024

Bernhard Boockmann, Heidrun Braun, Maximilian Reichert, Hannah Tonn

Actors and constellations for a successful reduction in bureaucracy. An analysis based on the proposals for reducing bureaucracy made by the Regulatory Control Council of Baden-Württemberg
dms – der moderne staat – Zeitschrift für Public Policy, Recht und Management, 17(1-2024), online first, 1-23.

Jan Simon Wiemann, Lena Walser Auswertung des IAB-Betriebspanels Baden-Württemberg, IAW-Kurzbericht 2/2023

Tobias König, Lena Berner Eine empirische Analyse auf der Basis des IAB-Betriebspanels, IAW-Kurzbericht 3/2023