Permeability in and out of continuing education plays a major role because, among other things, it serves to ensure the best possible care for patients and those in need of care. From a professional policy perspective and from the perspective of the educational subjects themselves, it can lead to an increase in the attractiveness of the nursing profession. However, there are a number of obstacles to further training in nursing: In addition to the high lack of transparency of further training providers, certificates and content, further training is not (sufficiently) financially worthwhile. Employer support is dependent on individual cases and rarely follows a long-term strategy - with negative effects on carers who are willing to undertake further training.
Übergänge von der Assistenz- in die Fachausbildung – Gelingensfaktoren, Herausforderungen, Gestaltungsspielräume,
In: Karin Reiber et al. (Hrsg.): Fachkräftesicherung, Versorgungsqualität und Karrieren in der Pflege. Forschung zur beruflichen Bildung im Lebenslauf, wbv-Verlag, S. 427-444, 2024.
International data innovations: Potentials for German labor market and social policy (in German).
In: Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik, 73 (1), 1-23, 2024.
Übergänge ins Studium und dessen Verwertung in der Praxis – Gelingensfaktoren, Herausforderungen, Gestaltungsspielräume.
In: Pflege & Gesellschaft (forthcoming)
Mehr Transparenz im Karrieredschungel.
In: Die Schwester, der Pfleger 9/2023, S. 66-69.